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Debjani Chatterjee
Debjani has joined Valuebound as a Drupal Community Manager and Digital Marketer. She works closely with the development team, to help pen down their thoughts and enliven them. Loves and contributes in open source and believes in an open web for all.

Recent Blogs by
Debjani Chatterjee

Beginners guide to Drupal
Debjani Chatterjee |

Ultimate guide to Drupal for Beginners

In one of the earlier posts featured  What does a Drupal Developer do? We discussed about the role in general and…
What skills should a Drupal Developer have?
Debjani Chatterjee |

What skills should a Drupal Developer have?

With the ever growing Drupal Community, a beginner is many a times lost in the vast number of resources, with…
6 More things to know if you are a Drupal Developer
Debjani Chatterjee |

6 More things to know if you are a Drupal Developer

The new year started with 6 things to read if you are a Drupal Developer and today we discuss 6 more…
Digital Experience
Debjani Chatterjee |

What makes up “Digital Experience”?

Digital Experience platform is a software to manage, deliver, and optimize experiences consistently across every digital touchpoint, as described by Forrester. A successful integration of all…
What does a Drupal Developer do?
Debjani Chatterjee |

What does a Drupal Developer do?

When you begin a search to upgrade your website or CMS, there are loads of options and frameworks which will ultimately mold and…
Why should your vendor be a Digital Experience creator?
Debjani Chatterjee |

Why should your vendor be a Digital Experience creator?

Once again we hop on the journey to create a series of articles and this time we take on the challenge to deal with the topic DX - Digital Experience. We know about it but a very few speak about it.…
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