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Debjani Chatterjee
Debjani has joined Valuebound as a Drupal Community Manager and Digital Marketer. She works closely with the development team, to help pen down their thoughts and enliven them. Loves and contributes in open source and believes in an open web for all.

Recent Blogs by
Debjani Chatterjee

6 things to read if you are a Drupal Developer
Debjani Chatterjee |

6 things to read if you are a Drupal Developer

Happy new year! 2016 has been quite an year with all the hustle bustle around, lots of changes on its way to the next year. We recently…
Cloud Computing Solution Providers -A comparison
Debjani Chatterjee |

Cloud Computing Solution Providers -A comparison

According to the 2016 RightScale State of the Cloud Report it is found that AWS, Google Cloud Platform,…
Debjani Chatterjee |

Finding the right vendor for your Web development project - What matters?

They will tell you that their mission is to take excellence in support and customer experience to the next level. They will promise and that will have words like scalability and agility in that. But…
How can Publishers crack the Digital Transformation Code?
Debjani Chatterjee |

How can Publishers crack the Digital Transformation Code?

Most publishing enterprises are considering a Digital Transformation initiative and vendors across the world are mushrooming to take the leap from baby steps to actually helping out organizations in…
5 Things to know about Cloud if you are in Publishing
Debjani Chatterjee |

5 Things to know about Cloud if you are in Publishing

As Cloud computing garnered year-over-year traction in the enterprise world, companies have wondered if it would suit the needs of these organisations and if it is as a matter of fact doing today,…
Cloud Computing
Debjani Chatterjee |

How secure is Cloud Computing for Media and Publishing websites?

Cloud computing is such a popular topic, because it was built to reduce cost and save resources. With the growing demand of online presence and digitization of news, it is the…
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